Offering Plans

Drafting a New York State condominium offering plan is a complex legal task that involves not only a comprehensive understanding of New York real estate law, particularly the Martin Act and its implementing regulations but also requires detailed information about the specific condominium in question.

The offering plan is a thorough and exhaustive disclosure document that must be filed with the New York State Attorney General's office before any units in a condominium can be sold. It includes detailed descriptions of the property, the units, the common elements, the bylaws of the condominium, the budget for the condominium, and many other elements. The offering plan serves to protect purchasers by ensuring they are fully informed about the condominium where they are purchasing a unit.

Given the complexity and the need for accuracy and compliance with specific laws, we would typically undertake this task with due diligence, often collaborating with experts in various fields such as engineering, zoning, finance, and insurance.

We can handle offering plans of all sizes and have the capabilities required to make your next development as seamless as possible.


Real Estate Transactions

